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  • Interest is exactly "Confederate Flag"
Heritage not hate y'all! Our flag has nothing to do with racism! The Federal
Government shouldn’t be able to dictate what we can and cannot do. Go
follow Confederate page #1 on Instagram south united if you are proud of our
southern heritage. God…
Hey what's up buds! Let's continue to preserve our history from substitution. It
is well-known how libtards are eager to blame our forefathers for being racist.
Yet they always forget to underpin their empty words with facts. Not like all
these SJWs,…
God Bless Dixie! The South will rise again!
A Fort Worth man broke into the State Capitol in Austin to deface a Civil War-
era portrait

Apparently, the man’s main goal was to destroy the portrait of former Texas
Governor Fletcher Stockdale. The man was arrested right in the Capitol…